Complex of geological exploration and engineering surveys

About our company in numbers


Large objects


Unique objects


Medium and small facilities


Geodetic support of construction, number of objects


R&D (research work)


Engineering-geological drilling, line meters


Geological exploration drilling, linear meters


Drilling and blasting operations, cubic meters


Geological survey of the pit, m3


RC drilling, linear meters


Topographic surveys, Ha


Geophysical work, physical observation


Hydrogeological surveys, linear meters


GIS research: inclinometry, cavernometry and gamma ray logging, linear meters


Laboratory works, linear meters

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Innovative geodetic technologies and solutions

Drilling equipment and tools

Complex of geological exploration in Kazakhstan

Selection and supply of drilling equipment and spare parts

Performing complex design and survey works

Drilling and blasting operations

Our advantages

Over 25 years of experience

100% Quality assurance and responsibility

Saving time and effort

Team of professionals

ELLIPS UDP is a team of engineering survey specialists. We carry out a full range of engineering and survey works:

Engineering and geodetic surveys

A set of works aimed at obtaining information about the relief and the situation of the area; serves as a basis for designing, and for conducting other types of surveys and surveys.

Topographic survey

Topographic survey is a set of works on the creation of topographic plans and maps of various scales. The most demanded is the geodetic survey of large scale areas, which is necessary for conducting surveys, developing master plans for new construction, reconstruction, and landscape design.

Geodetic works in construction

Geodetic work in construction is a complex of measurements, calculations and constructions on the ground, which must ensure the design placement of structures with the required accuracy and the erection of their structures (elements) in full accordance with their geometric parameters and the requirements of regulatory documents.

Terrestrial laser 3D scanning

The essence of laser scanning technology is to determine the spatial coordinates of points on the surface of an object. This is done by measuring the distance to all points to be determined using a non-reflective laser rangefinder.

Observations of deformations of buildings and structures

To obtain a complete and reliable picture of the deformation of buildings, structures and their individual elements, it is necessary to systematically monitor the vertical displacements of the foundation elements (piles) and deviations from the vertical of the supporting structures (columns) of buildings.

Land survey

Land surveying is one of the ways to fix the boundaries of the site and fix its coordinates in various systems, in other words, it is a geodetic method for measuring land plots in a rectangular coordinate system (i.e., in the horizontal plane).

Drilling of exploration wells

Exploration well drilling is carried out at a depth of 2,000 meters or more for a detailed study of the geological structure of the earth’s crust, the productivity of the field and other important parameters.

Engineering and geological surveys

Engineering and geological surveys are carried out to determine the reliability of the site allocated for construction, immediately before the start of designing the foundation of the future facility.


Under unfavorable ground conditions, when the groundwater level is too high, or when there is a threat of flooding the construction site with surface groundwater, it becomes necessary to organize dewatering and drainage.

Industrial Safety

The protection state of the vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and these accidents’ consequences.

Non-destructive testing

Reliability control of the main working properties and parameters of the object or its separate elements/assemblies.

Engineering geophysical surveys

Engineering geophysical surveys for construction are sometimes combined with other types of surveys. They are especially relevant when it is required to develop project documentation covering a large area.

Hydro Engineering Consulting

Performing complex design and survey work on power lines and substations.

Environmental Safety

Performing research and design work in the field of environmental protection.

Our research is the foundation of a sustainable future

Drilling of exploration and development wells:

Drilling wells for piles is an auxiliary technology in the arrangement of pile foundations in solid and non-cohesive, moisture-saturated soils, the implementation of which significantly increases the productivity of driving reinforced concrete piles.

  • drilling of vertical wells up to 2000m NQ, 1350m HQ;
  • hydrogeological works;
  • injection into separate intervals of wells;
  • experimental single pumping, lasting from a day to 5 days;
  • Water pumping during well flow measurement in static and dynamic conditions;
  • water sample analysis;
  • installation in wells KVP (Vibrating Wire Piezometer).

Engineering and geodetic works:

  • creation (development) of reference geodetic networks, including special-purpose geodetic networks for construction;
  • topographic survey on a scale of 1:10000 ÷ 1:200, including a survey of underground and surface structures;
  • updating topographic (engineering topographic) and cadastral plans on a scale of 1:10000 ÷ 1:200 in graphic, digital, photographic, and other forms;
  • transfer to nature and planned-altitude binding of project elements on the ground;
  • engineering and hydrographic surveys;
  • development of engineering and topographic plans of the route and its options, survey plans, and individual design sections;
  • creation of longitudinal profiles of the route with options;
  • development and preparation of plans for approaches to the endpoints of the route of the designed linear structure (substations, sewage pumping stations, water pumping stations, etc.);
  • ground laser 3D scanning.

Engineering and geological works:

  • conducting route observations (reconnaissance survey);
  • conducting geophysical surveys;
  • conducting field studies of soils;
  • carrying out hydrogeological studies;
  • conducting seismological studies;
  • conducting stationary observations;
  • conducting laboratory studies of soils and groundwater;
  • soil survey of the foundations of existing buildings and structures;
  • forecasting changes in engineering and geological conditions;
  • laboratory support of earthworks;
  • dewatering;
  • carrying out exploration works.

Engineering and geophysical works:

Engineering geophysical surveys for construction are sometimes combined with other types of surveys. They are especially relevant when it is required to develop project documentation covering a large area.

Tests are mandatory carried out when building in areas with special seismic conditions or the development of dangerous geological phenomena. In particular, this applies to urbanized, undermined territories, shelves.

  • geological structure of the mountain range;
  • tectonic displacements, active zones, areas with increased fracturing and watering;
  • depths of groundwater occurrence, distribution of their flows;
  • hydrogeological properties of the studied waters and soils;
  • geological processes in general.

Ground laser 3D scanning:

ELLIPS UDP performs work using ground-based 3D laser scanning technology designed to solve a wide range of tasks in a wide variety of conditions. The list of typical industries and types of work includes:

  • filming of industrial facilities;
  • mine surveying;
  • construction of engineering structures;
  • architecture and design;
  • preservation and restoration of cultural heritage.

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