Uzbekistan-China gas pipeline I-II-III thread (executive survey).
Motorway M39 100 km (comprehensive support construction)
The conduit of the Syrdarya region 200km (large-scale topographical survey)
2500km aqueduct of the Bukhara region (large-scale topographical survey)
GISSAR equipment (comprehensive construction support)
Highway A-373 (comprehensive construction support)
Highway M-34 (large-scale topographical survey)
SYR-3 amelioration (topographical survey with the compilation of longitudinal and transverse profiles)
ISB-Fergana irrigation system (topographic survey with the compilation of longitudinal and transverse profiles)
Breakdown of geophysical profiles in HISSAR Construction GPP Kandym (complex support construction)
Construction of the Turakurgan PSU with a capacity of 2x450MB, located in the
Turakurgan district of the Namangan region (engineering survey)
Construction of Navoi-2 450 MW PGU located on the territory of the Navoi Thermal Power Plant in the Karmaninsky district of the Navoi region (engineering survey)
Construction of the ski resort “Amirsoy” (engineering survey)
“Working off a career” Muruntau “V line (topographical survey)
Construction of Navoi-2 450 MW PGU located on the territory of the Navoi Thermal Power Plant in the Karmaninsky District of the Navoi Region (water drainage)
“Inspection of nearby areas to the Mustakillikitting 25 welligi deposit” (engineering survey)
Construction of the Chandyr group of fields (engineering survey)
Arrangement of Akchalak group of fields (engineering survey)