Large objects over the past 5 years:

  • Uzbekistan-China gas pipeline I-II-III thread (executive survey).
  • Motorway M39 100 km (comprehensive support construction)
  • The conduit of the Syrdarya region 200km (large-scale topographical survey)
  • 2500km aqueduct of the Bukhara region (large-scale topographical survey)
  • GISSAR equipment (comprehensive construction support)
  • Highway A-373 (comprehensive construction support)
  • Highway M-34 (large-scale topographical survey)
  • SYR-3 amelioration (topographical survey with the compilation of longitudinal and transverse profiles)
  • ISB-Fergana irrigation system (topographic survey with the compilation of longitudinal and transverse profiles)
  • Breakdown of geophysical profiles in HISSAR
    Construction GPP Kandym (complex support construction)
  • Construction of the Turakurgan PSU with a capacity of 2x450MB, located in the
  • Turakurgan district of the Namangan region (engineering survey)
  • Construction of Navoi-2 450 MW PGU located on the territory of the Navoi Thermal Power Plant in the Karmaninsky district of the Navoi region (engineering survey)
  • Construction of the ski resort “Amirsoy” (engineering survey)
  • “Working off a career” Muruntau “V line (topographical survey)
  • Construction of Navoi-2 450 MW PGU located on the territory of the Navoi Thermal Power Plant in the Karmaninsky District of the Navoi Region (water drainage)
  • “Inspection of nearby areas to the Mustakillikitting 25 welligi deposit” (engineering survey)
  • Construction of the Chandyr group of fields (engineering survey)
  • Arrangement of Akchalak group of fields (engineering survey)